We Miss You!
Dear Dive Paradise Family,
Many of you have reached out, asking how Cozumel and our company are faring in this time of extraordinary crisis. The crew misses you all very much and are looking forward to welcoming you back to our beautiful island just as soon as possible!
In the meantime, like most of the world, Dive Paradise remains hunkered down: The port has been closed since the end of March, and non-essential businesses are temporarily shuttered. When we venture out to look after our locations, boats and equipment, we are wearing masks and gloves, and are practicing social distancing. We are doing our best to stay stocked with Lysol, bleach, marine-friendly cleaning products (and toilet paper!) to protect ourselves from the virus. We are also training ourselves on new industry safety and sterilization best practices we will be following when dive operations resume on the island. Importantly, our entire crew is staying healthy so far and are looking out for one another.

We are all painfully aware that this pandemic has been a challenge for most small businesses worldwide, and Dive Paradise is no exception. Ever since the day I unexpectedly stepped into this role, my goal has always been clear: to honor my aunt Apple’s legacy by retaining and enhancing Dive Paradise’s legendary attention to customer service while protecting the livelihoods of our dedicated crew. I’m proud of what we have accomplished together, and feel a strong sense of optimism for the future of our Dive Paradise family, including our crew and our guests!
Of course, right now the world is reeling and figuring out how to adapt to new realities. During this time, Dive Paradise continues to support our staff to the fullest extent possible. However, as they rely on trips and the generosity of customer tips for a significant portion of their income, many on our crew are finding themselves struggling to remain financially stable as we weather this storm.
As has happened many times as I’ve been learning my way through this adventure, I’ve been humbled by the help, guidance and encouragement (and, yes, sometimes by a shoulder to cry on!) of the Dive Paradise family. This crisis is no exception: This week, longtime Dive Paradise friends Debbie and Isaias Alamilla launched a GoFundMe campaign, to provide financial help directly to our on-island staff during this extraordinary time. One hundred percent of every tax deductible donation from this effort will be distributed directly to our employees so they can remain healthy and safe and ready to serve you when dive operations resume. Any funds that remain when this crisis has passed will be donated to nonprofits on Cozumel that have long been supported by Apple and Dive Paradise. A link to the GoFundMe site is included below. If you have ever been touched by the warmth, hard work and dedication of our team, now is the perfect time to reward them with an extra tip to help them feel as secure as possible during these stressful times.
None of us know exactly when this coronavirus crisis will be over, nor do we know exactly what life will look like on the other side. One thing is certain, however: Dive Paradise will be here, waiting to explore and share the wonders of our underwater world together, and to welcome you back to Cozumel. I’ll leave you with a bit of good news: Anecdotal reports from all over the island indicate that marine life is thriving during this break from cruise ships and boat traffic.
All of us at Dive Paradise hope you and yours are remaining healthy and safe during these trying times. We can’t wait to see you again!
With love,
Michael Penwarden
Dive Paradise, Inc.
Click HERE to help support Dive Paradise staff and crew on island during the COVID 19 crisis